Welcome to the Eltham Baptist Church Youth site. If you're in high school we'd love you to join us. Have a look around and check out what's going on.

Have a look at the pics of whats been going on through the year. We'll update them now and then...

As a church there are certain things that we value. You can take a look at our "5 functions".

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Camp

The Youth Camp was a couple of weeks ago and it was great! Theres always something hilarious about a bunch of high school age guys sharing a small cabin together (man, it wreaked in there after about 10 minutes!) But i gotta say that late night, tired chatting is always a laugh!

Any highlights for you?


Anonymous said...

Youth camp muuuuuuuust have been great I'll try come next year
(Hey Neale Injury girl & Guess Who? are the same person)
And guess what I don't have coeliac disease. Hooray!!
Really wish someone would tell me why we can't do anything over easter as a youth group. Well gotta go but I'll go back on next week even... though it is the holidays.

EBC Youth said...

heh... you have many identities Lindsay. Its good news bout the coeliac disease!

I suppose Easter can be a busy time of year for many... but hey, your gonna get a phone call regarding youth group stuff thats starting up real soon... so you'd better keep the line free!

Anonymous said...

Hey tomorrow I am going to the doctors to get some blood tests done (SCCARRY) wish me luck.
Gosh I realy miss u guys (Alyce is already going to kill me for not coming on Sunday). Hopefully I can eventually return in two weeks when my dad comes back from America:)
P.S. My 92 year old granny is flying down for a weeks holiday 2morrow lets keep our fingers crossed that she makes it .
LOL Lindsay.

EBC Youth said...

hope the tests went well lindsay... and that your grandma is ok too! :)

Mudbl00d said...

Yuo spelted Reaked rongly but mi not mcuh bteta yup graet spellig